Howdy Ya'll!

Welcome, and thanks for reading my blog! The experiences I'm sharing here are a random assortment of all the new and exciting adventures I find myself going on in this amazing city. It's a new day, a new world, a new life...and all it takes is a little moxie. So come along for the ride...It's sure to be thrilling!

Moxie: The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Math, Violins, and Cake Balls

Well last week went by in a blur...I taught high school math for 3 days last week and actually had a blast.  I had a good group of students and they were more than eager to do their work when I told them that after they finished the assignment we could do some brain'd be surprised how many 16 yr old boys sat on the floor right under the board waiting for me to write the next one for them to figure out. lol it was like teaching a 3rd grade class.  Nevertheless, we had fun.  Here's one for you all:
Everybody wants me
I am not something you can see or touch
I mean different things to different people
I am an achievement
I am ____________

Thursday night I worked the DBR concert at the theatre.  Daniel is a violinist in a very non-traditional sort of way.  He plays classical violin, electric violin, and can even make it sound like a drum when he beats the bow on the strings.  It was a benefit concert for Haiti and an actor from New York read "Darwin's Meditation: For the people of Lincoln" which is a short story/poem written by Darwin about the people in Haiti at the time Lincoln was president and freed the slaves.  It was interesting.

Sunday me and Patti went to Cindy's jewelry party.  It was a cookie lee party and I bought a beautiful new necklace.  More importantly though, is the fact that I made red velvet cupcakes and strawberry cake balls to bring to the party.  They turned out delicious and everyone loved them! I think they kinda looked like easter eggs in the green and white liners so me and Patti decided we should make some for Easter. :)
Let's talk about the olympic closing ceremony for a second...
Was anyone else as disappointed as me? The opening was fascinating with the cool visuals and great performers...but the closing...not so much.  Seriously Canada...giant beavers? Opera singers? Giant maple leaves? Cardboard hockey players? not feeling it.

As far as this week goes...tomorrow I'm headed up to the theatre to fill out paperwork so I can become a paid ticket taker :) woo hoo and I was supposed to work the Queen Latifah concert tomorrow night but it was cancelled....we're all pretty bummed.  Teaching high school science the rest of the week, going to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D, and celebrating Aunt Betty's birthday this weekend...looks to be a great rest of the week!

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