Howdy Ya'll!

Welcome, and thanks for reading my blog! The experiences I'm sharing here are a random assortment of all the new and exciting adventures I find myself going on in this amazing city. It's a new day, a new world, a new life...and all it takes is a little moxie. So come along for the ride...It's sure to be thrilling!

Moxie: The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dancing, Singing, and Eating

My how time flies when you're having fun! Seriously though, I have no idea where the past 2 weeks have gone! It's been a whirlwind of new experiences. 
Work is still going great...This weekend I worked 2 festivals.  Dance for the Planet is a dance festival with master classes and performances all weekend long.  I got the opportunity to sit in on a master class taught by Janette and Jason from So You Think You Can Dance and it was amazing! Jason was extremely nice and very laid back.  Janette was more high-strung but still a great dancer and teacher.  It was very cool to meet both of them!

Saturday night was quite the adventure.  Patti's friend Amy's husband John is the manager for Jonathan Tyler and the Northern Lights band.  They played at House of Blues Saturday night and we got tickets.  From the start the night was full of surprises...we had dinner before the show with the band at the Foundation Room (which is decorated like Indian royalty with sari's on the walls and elaborate wooden canopies carved with more detail than you could imagine) The food...oh the food! I had root beer glazed chicken wings...which sounds weird...but it was so fancy and sooo delicious! The band was cool and very down to earth.  They just appreciate every single one of their fans.  Jonathan's girlfriend is an actress who will be in the Good Guys, which starts in May (and it's filmed in Dallas!) She was so nice and I really enjoyed talking to her surprisingly.  Anyway, we went down to the show and had a blast and even got a free CD.  It was a fun night! 
And here's the scene when we arrived home....

Sunday I worked the Spring Block Party at One Arts Plaza which is a residence/office building with about 6 restaurants along the bottom floor.  The festival had cooking demonstrations and tastings and wine pairings and live music and entertainment and would have been a blast if it hadn't been cold and rainy! BUT...I made friends with the restaurant I was near and got lots of free food and drinks from the nice men :)
Now I'm back to the old Monday/Friday routine and getting ready to party again this weekend for Griffin's birthday! I'm also trying an adult tap class tomorrow night...can't wait to get back in the game.
Hope everyone has a fantastic week!

*Love you Anita*

Monday, April 12, 2010

Life on the Ladder

The corporate ladder that is...
So it's been one week since I started my dream job at ATTPAC...and I must ROCKS!
Everyone is so friendly, we've got some great shows to work on coming up, my boss is awesome, and I'm loving every project I've been given so job is going great!
I'll post more details once I get more far I've been going 90 miles an hour and have pretty much no free time when you add in work plus the million hour commute each day with the traffic...but I wouldn't have it any other way :)

In my few spare moments this weekend the Cadigans and I plus Skylar (Patti's friend's daughter) went to the Fort Worth Zoo and had a was great weather, though a bit cloudy, and that zoo was amazing! You can get so close to the animals (with the exception of the tigers...but really..I'm ok with that!) and they have such unique favorite being the bird aviary where you get to go in a cage with a zillion birds flying all around and landing on you and you feed them off this nectar stick and they just sit there and eat while you hold them...very very cool!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Fast and Furious

Okay Okay...I know I've been slacking on the blog the past couple of weeks but things got a little you'll have to bear with me on this fast and furious blog post.
The Parrish family (Ray, Lisa, Allison, Jared, Maddie) came in town for spring break...I got a job (eek! still can't believe it!)...It snowed 7 inches!...I went back to Boremont for one last hoorah before starting work...My friend Dori had a beautiful baby girl (Olivia Mae)...Went to the fair where Christine bought a humongous cookie...I spent Easter in Kingwood with the Parrishs and Cadigans and now I'm anxiously awaiting the 9 hours and 24 minutes before I begin my new job.  :) that you've gotten the nutshell version of the past 2's a collage of pictures to go along with it.
Hope you enjoyed the pics...sorry for the short post...I'm off to catch some zzzzzs (9 hours and 20 minutes now haha)