Howdy Ya'll!

Welcome, and thanks for reading my blog! The experiences I'm sharing here are a random assortment of all the new and exciting adventures I find myself going on in this amazing city. It's a new day, a new world, a new life...and all it takes is a little moxie. So come along for the ride...It's sure to be thrilling!

Moxie: The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Courtney vs. Nature

Phew! What a day Sunday was! I woke up to 9 kids in the house and plans to go for a picnic at the Nature Preserve.  We all put on our hiking shoes and headed out for some outdoor fun.
It was a beautiful day with not a cloud in the sky, sunny, 72 degrees...perfect.  We had a picnic lunch then went on a hike to this lookout tower we saw in the distance.  It wasn't the easiest hike for sure...we went up and down hills, around ponds, and across rivers by jumping on some very slippery stones! More than a few kids ended up a little wet! LOL When we finally got to the lookout point it was all worth it...boy what a view!
We hiked back to a park/grassy area where we flew a kite (even if just for a minute with the uncooperative wind), the kids played on the playground, we climbed trees, and the kids rode their scooters around.  It was a great sunshiny day to be at the park. 

We all had a blast until....Griffin fell off his scooter when it broke and broke BOTH wrists! Poor guy has 2 casts but is loving having us all wait on him hand and foot LOL
Well it was an interesting day to say the least...It's never boring at the Cadigan house that's for sure!

In other news...I went in for a meeting with the Director of Marketing at the AT&T Performing Arts Center today to talk about doing an internship with her.  I emailed her offering my services because I wanted to get my foot in the door and when asked me to come in I was ecstatic...Little did I know I was in for an interview for a marketing and promotions coordinator position! We seemed to click and she seemed very interested in my previous experience and my passion for wanting to work at ATTPAC.  Sometime soon I'm going in to meet a co-worker of hers that she wants me to meet and she said to look forward to hearing from her next week when her boss is back in town about the job! ahh!
Cross your fingers everyone!

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