Howdy Ya'll!

Welcome, and thanks for reading my blog! The experiences I'm sharing here are a random assortment of all the new and exciting adventures I find myself going on in this amazing city. It's a new day, a new world, a new life...and all it takes is a little moxie. So come along for the ride...It's sure to be thrilling!

Moxie: The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Clowning Around

Just a little insight into what I do every Saturday (and some Mondays)...

You can also check out this cool video of my circus instructor performing (she's the main performer on the bottom).  I'm not quite to that point yet...but just ye wait! :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

The New Adventures of Old Emmy

A couple of weekends ago I finally got the chance to get back down to Boremont for a visit...but I mainly had one bring Emmy (my sweet little poodle) back with me to Big D!
I had a great visit with folks while I was there, and it was a much needed break (I even got a day off! woop!) but the best part came when I was packing up the car to leave and actually got to let Emmy jump in the car like she always begs to instead of having to sadly tell her goodbye and that she had to stay.  I have no doubt that dogs can show should've seen the way she jumped and hollered when she figured out she was going!
The drive was pretty uneventful though Emmy found it fascinating...

before she decided she might as well get comfy because we were going to be in the car quite a while...

She had fun exploring when we got to Dallas, and made herself right at home in my living room...

After a week of settling in, we took a field trip this Saturday to the Farmer's Market Fall Festival, and while she didn't like the curbs so much (schizo?), she did love traipsing around the flower section

Of course she's had to adjust to walking everywhere on a leash, playing nice with other pups at the apartment complex, and attempting to jump onto my much-higher-than-before bed (not to mention I've had to adjust to picking up after her bathroom trips...ick!) but we've had a blast so far together and I can't wait to see what new ventures we might find ourselves on. :)

On other notes, The New Adventures of Getting-Older-By-The-Day Courtney have included a great weekend spent with my Best Beaumont Buds in Big D (talk about alliteration!), the filming of the TV show Chase in our office building (making us all think they were installing metal detectors in our building before we realized it was fake), a thank-my-lucky-stars-I-didn't-start-a-fire incident with a foil-wrapped potato and a microwave, an Afro-Jazz master class taught by an amazing choreographer from NYC (which left me unbelievably sore the next day), a not-so-pleasant week with a broken car starter, and of course lots more Saturday mornings spent in Circus School :D

Bedeeb-bedeeb-bedeeb-a-that's all folks!

(and for those of you that haven't understood the underlying reference in this entire blog post, there's a show called "The New Adventures of Old Christine." Google it.)